Annie Allender Robbins is a practitioner of body-centered healing through many paths, including Classical Five Element Acupuncture and soulful life coaching with an emphasis on Internal Family Systems.
For as long as I can remember, I have loved people and been fascinated by human nature and psychology. I grew up around deep thinkers, philosophers and therapists, many of whom had endured complex trauma but through engaging their story and hearts, healed into strong seers and helpers. My curiosity about Chinese Medicine and the body’s role in healing began when I was in high school and watched my parents become not only physically healthier, but more grounded in themselves after working with a Five Element Acupuncturist.
I began working with a Five Element acupuncturist in my early 20s and the work helped me feel whole and strong after a challenging period. The anxiety and insomnia that brought me in was gone within a couple of visits and in its place I discovered a paradigm for understanding myself, others and the world. A door opened to the truth that all healing happens in our bodies and I fell in love with Chinese Medicine’s ability to heal both the body and the mind at the same time. I began my Master’s of Acupuncture in 2000 and have never looked back.
Most people associate coming to acupuncture with a physical problem such as pain or a chronic health condition, and while working with disease and symptoms has always been part of my practice, I am most passionate about this medicine’s ability to bring you back to wholeness within. Every person’s health is influenced by the stress in our lives and the ways we forget who we are in order to fit in with or keep pace with the culture that we live in. A Five Element acupuncturist is trained to diagnose patients constitutionally, which gives us a roadmap to see you in your unique version of health on a body, mind, spirit level, even when you are feeling broken and ill.
“We must strive to see people not only as they present themselves in illness, but more importantly as they would be in perfect health and balance, in full discovery of their true nature, unique in body, mind, and spirit.” – J.R. Worsley
When I discovered Internal Family Systems therapy (IFS) in 2019, a light was lit in me in similar ways to the passion I discovered when I found Five Element. I did everything I could to learn about the model and completed their Level 1 training in 2023. When I utilize both IFS therapy and Five Element Acupuncture with patients, the healing is profound and the effects of the treatments long lasting and expansive.
Annie Allender Robbins is a Washington State Licensed Acupuncturist. She graduated in 2003 with a Master’s of Acupuncture from the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture in Hallandale, FL. She is nationally certified by the National Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) as a Diplomate in Acupuncture. Prior to acupuncture school, Annie received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Colorado. In addition to being trained in Classical Five Element Acupuncture, Annie has received training in Auricular Acupuncture, Acupuncture Detoxification, Pain Treatment, Facial Rejuvenation, and Zero Balancing.